All Packages Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- Action(Updateable, Hashtable).
Constructor for class logic.Action
- This constructor handles all the more complicated
scenarios in which more is required from an action
then setting a single attribute.
- Action(Updateable, Object).
Constructor for class logic.Action
- This is the "default" constructor -- it handles the
simple case in which the required action simply sets
a value in the Updateable object.
- actions.
Variable in class logic.Invoker
- addRule(String, Action).
Method in class logic.Rules
This method adds a new boolean-sequence / action pair
to the rules Hashtable.
- attribute.
Variable in class logic.Action
- This is an attribute that is passed in and set with
the "typical" constructor, following the default
framework behavior.
- b1.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- b2.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- badOperator(int).
Method in class logic.Condition
- returns true if the argument op is not one of the legal operators
Variable in class logic.Condition
- BooleanTuple(Vector).
Constructor for class logic.BooleanTuple
- The constructor accepts a Vector of Conditions -- only
30 are allowed.
- BooleanTupleFactory().
Constructor for class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- bottomBgColor.
Variable in class IteGUI
- codeSelection.
Variable in class IteGUI
- codeSelectionModel.
Variable in class IteGUI
- computeIndicesOfStarredCols(String).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- Places the positions of '*' in s into an array.
- Condition(boolean, boolean).
Constructor for class logic.Condition
- This constructor compares two booleans to see if they are the same.
- Condition(double, int, double).
Constructor for class logic.Condition
- This constructor compares two doubles using the comparison named by oper.
- Condition(float, int, float).
Constructor for class logic.Condition
- This constructor compares two float's using the comparison named by oper.
- Condition(Hashtable).
Constructor for class logic.Condition
- This version of Condition accepts a Hashtable that must contain
all the data that is necessary to implement the evaluate() method --
the evaluate() method must be overridden if this constructor is used.
- Condition(int, int, int).
Constructor for class logic.Condition
- This constructor compares two int's using the comparison named by oper.
- Condition(Object, Object).
Constructor for class logic.Condition
- This constructor is used when two objects need to be compared.
- conditions.
Variable in class logic.Invoker
- countStars(String).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- Counts the number of '*'s that occur in s
- countTuples(String).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- Counts the number of boolean strings (like "TFFTF") that will be derived
from s.
- createButtonPanel().
Method in class IteGUI
- createGUI().
Method in class IteGUI
- createLabeledUrlTextField().
Method in class IteGUI
- createLowerPanel().
Method in class IteGUI
- createModels().
Method in class IteGUI
- createUpperPanel().
Method in class IteGUI
- d1.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- d2.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- data.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- DataBank(String, int, DataBank. Region).
Constructor for class DataBank
This is the version of the constructor that is used
in the samples
- DataBank(String, int, int).
Constructor for class DataBank
- DataNotFoundException().
Constructor for class logic.DataNotFoundException
- DataNotFoundException(String).
Constructor for class logic.DataNotFoundException
- db.
Variable in class IteGUI
- db.
Variable in class URLProcessor
- decideUrl().
Method in class URLProcessor
- this is the central method that is implemented in the subclasses
- decideUrl().
Method in class URLProcessor_bad
- ugly nested-if code
- decideUrl().
Method in class URLProcessor_good
- this is the central method that is implemented in the subclasses
Variable in class logic.Condition
- doUpdate(Hashtable).
Method in interface logic.Updateable
Default behavior: if the Action that calls
this method is simply setting the value of
an attribute, the method body for doUpdate
should look like this (for concreteness,
we'll assume the attribute is a String -- you
must cast the Hashtable value val to the
appropriate type)
Object val = vals.get(Action.MAIN_KEY);
- doUpdate(Hashtable).
Method in class URLProcessor_good
- Updateable interface implementation
Variable in class IteGUI
Variable in class URLProcessor
Variable in class URLProcessor
Static variable in class DataBank
Static variable in class logic.Condition
- equals(Object).
Method in class logic.BooleanTuple
- Two BooleanTuples are equal if they are both nonnull, and their
underlying instances of Boolean[] have the same length and
have entries that have the same booleanValue()'s.
- evaluate().
Method in class logic.Condition
- If the Hashtable version of the constructor is used, this
method must be overridden; otherwise the present version
of evaluate should work without modification
- evaluateBoolean().
Method in class logic.Condition
- evaluateConditions(Vector).
Method in class logic.IfThenElse
- This method evaluates each Condition in the Vector argument and
loads the resulting Booleans in a Vector that is ultimately returned.
- evaluateDouble().
Method in class logic.Condition
- evaluateFloat().
Method in class logic.Condition
- evaluateInteger().
Method in class logic.Condition
- evaluateObject().
Method in class logic.Condition
- Note that the equals() method of Object should have been overridden
in order for this method to work as desired.
- execute().
Method in class logic.Action
- What is provided here is default behavior.
- execute().
Method in class logic.Invoker
- This method fires off the if-then-else logic.
- executeAction(Vector, Rules).
Method in class logic.IfThenElse
- This method takes the Vector of results obtained from evaluateConditions(..)
and wraps it in a BooleanTuple.
- f1.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- f2.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- findIndex(int, int[]).
Static method in class logic.Util
- Returns -1 if val is not one of the elements of intArr; otherwise
returns the index of val in intArr.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- frameworkChoices.
Variable in class IteGUI
- getBoolean(char).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- Converts 'T' and 'F' to the corresponding Booleans
- getConditions().
Method in class logic.Invoker
- getData().
Method in class logic.Condition
- getDb().
Method in class URLProcessor
- getLimit().
Method in class DataBank
- getRegion().
Method in class DataBank
- getRules().
Method in class logic.Invoker
- getTuple().
Method in class logic.BooleanTuple
- getTuple(String).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- This method returns a vector of Booleans, wrapped in a BooleanTuple, that
corresponds to a boolean String like "TTFFF".
- getTuples(String).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
This method generates the array of BooleanTuples that is generated from
the boolean String tf (like "TT**F") -- a String that may contain '*'s.
- getUd().
Method in class logic.Action
- getUpdateVals().
Method in class logic.Action
- getUrl().
Method in class URLProcessor
- getUserId().
Method in class DataBank
- getWestMembers().
Method in class DataBank
- hashCode().
Method in class logic.BooleanTuple
- The algorithm used here is to treat a sequence
of booleans as a binary sequence, with T=1 and F=0,
and then treat the binary sequence as an actual
binary integer.
- i1.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- i2.
Variable in class logic.Condition
Variable in class IteGUI
Variable in class IteGUI
- IfThenElse(Vector, Rules).
Constructor for class logic.IfThenElse
- The Vector of conditions represent a single specific sequence of conditions we
are interested in evaluating and performing an action on
The rules are a map that relates each sequence of Booleans
to an action that should be fired.
- IllegalExpressionException().
Constructor for class logic.IllegalExpressionException
- IllegalExpressionException(String).
Constructor for class logic.IllegalExpressionException
- init().
Method in class logic.Invoker
- This method should be called at "startup" -- some time
before if-then-else logic needs to be performed.
- init().
Method in class IteGUI
- initializeComboBoxes().
Method in class IteGUI
- initializeInternalTables().
Method in class IteGUI
- initializeWestMembers().
Method in class DataBank
- Creates the table of user id's that are to be
considered members of the West Alliance
Variable in class logic.Condition
- Invoker().
Constructor for class logic.Invoker
- Invoker(Updateable).
Constructor for class logic.Invoker
- isMemberWestAlliance(String).
Method in class URLProcessor_bad
- this method is replaced by code in MemberCondition
in URLProcessor_good
- IteGUI().
Constructor for class IteGUI
Static variable in class logic.Condition
Static variable in class logic.Condition
- limit.
Variable in class DataBank
Static variable in class DataBank
- limitThreshold.
Variable in class IteGUI
- limitThresholdModel.
Variable in class IteGUI
- loadConditions().
Method in class logic.Invoker
- loadRules().
Method in class logic.Invoker
- lookUp(BooleanTuple).
Method in class logic.Rules
- This method looks up, in ruleTable,
the action that corresponds to the BooleanTuple
passed in.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- The purpose of this main method is to verify that the truthTable(..) method
produces correct output.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class IteGUI
- The main method allows you to run the applet in a JFrame.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class URLProcessor_bad
- This main method lets you run the code as an application
without using a GUI.
- main(String[]).
Static method in class URLProcessor_good
- This main method lets you run the sample code as an application
with no GUI.
Static variable in class logic.Action
- This String is used as a key in the default behavior of
this class -- when the first constructor is used,
attribute is set as value in a hashtable, using
MAIN_KEY as key.
- mainBgColor.
Variable in class IteGUI
Static variable in interface logic.BooleanTupleConstants
- num levels of nesting allowed--note that the product of the first 9
primes is around 200 million, but the product of the first 10 primes
exceeds 6 billion, so cannot be an int
Variable in class IteGUI
Static variable in class DataBank
- msg.
Static variable in class logic.RuleNotFoundException
Variable in class IteGUI
Variable in class IteGUI
- NestingTooDeepException().
Constructor for class logic.NestingTooDeepException
- NestingTooDeepException(String).
Constructor for class logic.NestingTooDeepException
- newLabeledComponent(JLabel, JComponent).
Static method in class IteGUI
Creates a panel with a label in the top part
and a JComponent in the bottom part
Variable in class IteGUI
Static variable in class DataBank
- num(Boolean).
Method in class logic.BooleanTuple
Variable in class IteGUI
Variable in class IteGUI
- ob1.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- ob2.
Variable in class logic.Condition
Variable in class logic.Condition
- obtainBoolChar(int, int, char, int[]).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- If character c is just 'T' or 'F', this method just returns c.
- op.
Variable in class logic.Condition
Variable in class URLProcessor
- positionFrameOnDesktop(JFrame).
Static method in class IteGUI
- This method is just for use with the main method
to position the test frame properly on the screen
- region.
Variable in class DataBank
- region.
Variable in class IteGUI
- regionChoices.
Variable in class IteGUI
- regionModel.
Variable in class IteGUI
- resetUrl().
Method in class IteGUI
- RuleNotFoundException().
Constructor for class logic.RuleNotFoundException
- RuleNotFoundException(String).
Constructor for class logic.RuleNotFoundException
- rules.
Variable in class logic.Invoker
- Rules().
Constructor for class logic.Rules
- ruleTable.
Variable in class logic.Rules
- setAttribute(Object).
Method in class logic.Action
- setAttributesFromTable(Hashtable).
Method in class logic.Action
- setDb(DataBank).
Method in class URLProcessor
- setTuple(Boolean[]).
Method in class logic.BooleanTuple
- setTuple(Vector).
Method in class logic.BooleanTuple
- setUrl(String).
Method in class URLProcessor
- This method receives one of the partial urls given
as constants for this class, and creates a full url
from it, and sets it in the url variable
- size().
Method in class logic.BooleanTuple
- sort(String[]).
Static method in class IteGUI
- Sorts Strings in the array arr and returns it in a new array.
Variable in class IteGUI
Static variable in class DataBank
- status.
Variable in class logic.Condition
- toBooleanArray(Vector).
Static method in class logic.Util
- Returns an array of Booleans having length the parameter passed in;
if any element of Vector parameter
is not a Boolean, null is inserted into the array.
- topBgColor.
Variable in class IteGUI
- toString().
Method in class logic.BooleanTuple
- truthTable(int, int, int).
Static method in class logic.BooleanTupleFactory
- This function computes the truth value (true = 0, false = 1) that
appears in a standard truth table having numStarCols propositional symbols,
where starCol is the requested column index and row is the requested row
- tuple.
Variable in class logic.BooleanTuple
- ud.
Variable in class logic.Action
- object on which some action must be performed
- ud.
Variable in class logic.Invoker
- up.
Variable in class IteGUI
- updateVals.
Variable in class logic.Action
When rules are executed, this a table of update values
for the Updateable object is obtained and set here
- url.
Variable in class URLProcessor
- this is the value that must be set by decideURL()
Static variable in class URLProcessor_good
- URLProcessor().
Constructor for class URLProcessor
- URLProcessor_bad().
Constructor for class URLProcessor_bad
- URLProcessor_good().
Constructor for class URLProcessor_good
- urlTextField.
Variable in class IteGUI
- userId.
Variable in class DataBank
- userId.
Variable in class IteGUI
- userIdModel.
Variable in class IteGUI
- Util().
Constructor for class logic.Util
Variable in class IteGUI
Variable in class URLProcessor
Variable in class URLProcessor
Variable in class URLProcessor
Variable in class URLProcessor
Static variable in class DataBank
- westMembers.
Variable in class DataBank