Class sampleCode2.IteGUI
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Class sampleCode2.IteGUI


public class IteGUI
extends JApplet

Constructor Index

 o sampleCode2.IteGUI()

Method Index

 o init()
 o main(String[])
The main method allows you to run the applet in a JFrame.
 o newLabeledComponent(JLabel, JComponent)
Creates a panel with a label in the top part and a JComponent in the bottom part
 o sort(String[])
Sorts Strings in the array arr and returns it in a new array.


 o IteGUI
public IteGUI()


 o init
public void init()
init in class Applet
 o main
public static void main(String[] args)
The main method allows you to run the applet in a JFrame. However, unless you are running this (as an application) on a server, you won't be able to connect to the urls, though you will be able to see the url's in the window provided.

For full functionality, run this class as an applet in a browser by linking to IteGUI.html.

 o newLabeledComponent
public static newLabeledComponent(JLabel label,
                                                            JComponent component)
Creates a panel with a label in the top part and a JComponent in the bottom part

 o sort
public static java.lang.String[] sort(String[] arr)
Sorts Strings in the array arr and returns it in a new array. The original array remains unmodified.
Uses Insertion Sort algorithm -- efficient only for fairly small arrays

arr - String[]

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